dfx is simple file manager. running on X11 + Athena Widgets.
It is an operation method immediately after the installation. If you want to change the operation method, you can change it by writing the ~/.dfx/keys
Do incremantal search.
Show registered path list.
see ~/.dfx/path and pathlist.
Show registered commands list.
see ~/.dfx/cmd and cmdlist.
command reads this file to make a command list.pathlist
command reads this file to make a directory list.A format specification has the following form:
[ buffers, ] <Command> : <Key> [ <Key> ... ]
buffers is buffer classification to assume a command definition it effectively.
When you omit this field, I become an effective command definition in all buffers.
Example, this definition has effective on filer and viewer.
fv, < Command > : < Key > [ < Key > ... ]
You can use an modifier key such as Control and Alt/Meta for an key definition.
Describe in a key definition file as follows to use modifier key.
It means hold Shift key and type a <key> .
+a means Shift + A.
It means hold Control key and type a <key> .
^h means Control + H.
It means hold Meta(Alt) key and type a .IR <key> .
%x means Meta(Alt) + X.
It means a letter instead of a key.
#* means letter '*'. Type Shift+8 with US keyboards. . Type Shift+: with JP keyboards.
Describe it by small letter.
Describe it.
Describe other keys by a name of KeySym of X11.
Open a directory. if cursor points a file, display a file by viewer.
Move up the cursor.
Move down the cursor.
Scroll down a current buffer and move up a cursor.
Scroll up a current buffer and move down a cursor.
Move cursor to begin of file list.
Move cursor to end of file list.
To mark a file and down cursor.
To mark files. Mark files falling under the file name which you input.
To clear mark of all files.
To invert mark of files. A mark of a marked file is removed and unmarked file will mark.
To filtering files to display in current buffer .
To toggle to show / hide dot files.
Change working directory.
To change working directory to parent directory. such as "cd ..".
Copy file that selected files or pointed by cursor. Show an input box for copy destination. As destination candidate, a directory of the next buffer is chosen beforehand.
Move file that selected files or pointed by cursor. Show an input box for copy destination. As destination candidate, a directory of the next buffer is chosen beforehand.
Delete file that selected files or pointed by cursor.
Change permission of selectedd files. When subdir is on, chmod follow sub directories.
To make a file.
To make a directory.
Rename files and directories.
Relaod current buffer.
Show information frame. Once again, hide it.
To execute an other program immediately. When you wrote in key definition file \"exec /sbin/halt\", execute /sbin/halt.
Close the current buffer and the frame. dfx is finished when close the last buffer.
Do incremental search.
Sort order by file name.
Sort order by file size.
Sort order by modified time.
Sort order by file extension.
Sort order by permission.
Show registered commands list. You can execute a command by choosing it among a list.
Show registered path list. You can change working directory by choosing it among a list.
Split horizontally current frame into two frames side by side. It resembles C-x 3 of Emacs.
Split vertically current frame into two frames. It resembles C-x 2 of Emacs.
Close a buffer. When there is the buffer which can display elsewhere, display the buffer. If there is not the buffer which can display elsewhere, a frame is closed.
Create buffer.
Switch buffer in the current frame.
Change an active frame.
Change an active frame.
Invoke the internal viewer.
Change a conversion encoding. Now supported Non conversion (user locale), Shift_JIS to EUC-jp, iso-2022-jp to EUC-jp.
Change a new line code. Now supported LF(0x0A:UNIX like)/CR(Macintosh)/CRLF(DOS/Windows).
It is a command definition file to use in cmdlist.
A format specification has the following form:
<NAME> : <Command> [ <Args> ... ]
You can use macro in a Command part. A macro is the alphabet to begin with $ specially.
It is a command definition file to use in pathlist.
A format specification has the following form:
<NAME> : <Directory>